Wednesday, June 9, 2010

End of year zoo trip

On the last day of school, Beth's class went to the zoo. One of the things I love about her going to a small close-knit school is that so many brothers, sisters and even friends from other classes were able to tag along on this trip.
We had quite a crew- PreK3, PreK4 and Kinder, plus some parents and extra kiddos. Kevin had been out of town all week, flew in that morning and met us at the zoo. We were so happy to have him join us too!
Beth sure had fun with her friends! We finally got to see the new MOLA exhibit, which is basically the new reptile house. Beth is still fascinated by snakes and such. The kids had a chance to pet a live snake. Neither of mine hesitated for a minute! Jacob wanted to see the elephants and loved that one was playing in the pool.
It was a hot and unusually humid day for north Texas, but we still had a blast. As we headed to the exit to meet back up with everyone, we got to see this new baby animal and its momma. When we walked up, the baby was only about 15 minutes old and still wobbly on its legs. How precious!
What a great ending to an exciting first year of school!


yaya said...

What a sweet ending to a first year of school. Thanks for documenting and sharing. The picture of Kevin and Jacob is so so adorable. What a treasure. I am so proud of Beth being so brave to pet a snake.

J.J. said...

That looks like so much fun. how awesome tat you guys got to see a new little deer!

I bet the kids loved that K was able to join you guys!