Saturday, December 26, 2009

Beth keeps me busy

Over the last month, we've had lots of things to do with Beth. Here's the short version since I'm so behind on blogging:

Thanksgiving Children's Choir performance
Missionary meeting- Beth's Awanas book talked about missionaries. It wanted her to talk to missionaries, find out where they work and how they tell people about Jesus. Well, after getting permission from her teachers to stray a bit from the requirement, and being the teacher/nerd that I am, used the opportunity to have Beth learn something new. In our neighborhood are Mrs. Jo and Mr. Louis, who were missionaries in Kenya for 35 years. I thought it would be a great chance for Beth to really learn instead of just filling out some questions in her book. While at their house, they told Beth about the people in Kenya, showed her various native dress outfits and talked about how much the people of Kenya wanted to learn about Jesus. I'm so thankful to them for allowing us into their home and sharing with us. I don't think Beth will ever forget it.

Reading Day at school- A whole day of jommies at school! Jacob and I volunteered to help read to the elementary classes for Reading day (yes, in our jommies too). It was fun! Beth loved that she got to stay all day, instead of her usual half-day, to have special Chick Fil A lunch, and attend a special program at the end of the day.

Christmas Children's Choir performance

1 comment :

yaya said...

She is a busy girl and you are a busy mom.