Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bethlehem is not that far away

Friday, Beth's school had their Christmas program- Bethlehem is not that far away. It was about a family who needed reminding about the true meaning of Christmas.
Beth's class, plus the 3 and 4 year old preschool classes, dressed like animals that were probably in the barn where Jesus was born. They said a few poems and sang a couple songs. Beth did a great job other than not smiling because she was nervous. Who woulda thought she'd get nervous?
Please forgive the shaky video. I was trying to keep Jacob from crawling down the pew at the same time as video-ing the kids.

Isn't this the cutest horse you've ever seen?


Katherine said...

Very Cute!

Grandma Charlotte said...

Still disappointed that we had to miss her performance. Seeing these precious pictures is so much fun! Yes, she is adorable.

yaya said...

Beautiful horse, great ears and lovely tail.