Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I *heart* sparkly awards!

My precious friend Jeri awarded me with a fun, sparkly award. Who can say no to a sparkly award?! Not this girl! Of course, she nominated me last week, and I just noticed today. How un-awesome is that. If she weren't such a great friend, she'd probably take back the award.

Now, I have to fulfill my obligation and share 7 things that make me awesome, and if I cannot fulfill those obligations, I will have to let the first runner-up take the loot. OK...there is no such first runner up (or loot for that matter) so I shall continue with my duties.


1. I am a stay at home mom. I clean poop and barf, then wash the poop/barf laundry, all without barfing myself. Can you tell what kind of day it's been?

2. I lost the baby weight, twice. Thank you weight wathchers!

3. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a child of the King. I am saved and going to heaven one day. Are you?

4. I can speak 3 (partial) languages- sign language, toddler-ese, Spanish. I speak fluent English.

5. I have the best groups of friends a girl could ask for. My moms club friends keep me busy and my kids active. My BKM online friends are the best support and truest friends I've ever had. If only we lived close...Oh, that could be trouble.

6. I am not high-maintenance. I don't need designer clothes. I'm happy to shop at Target and Kohls. I can be showered, shaved, dressed and ready to go out the door in 30 minutes, if I really have to be.

7. I've been married almost 9 years to the same man. Our first date was in July, we were engaged in February, married a year later. More about all this is a future post.


J.J. said...

How fun! You are aweseome! I feel the same way about the clothes/shopping thing. I am so blessed to have you guys too :)

Don't you love that it sparkles!!!

Lindsey said...

Oh man, I wish that we had Target here!

You are awesome!

You live in Texas, and I hear everything is more Awesome in Texas ;)

Laura said...

Yes, Lindsey, especially the weather :)

Unknown said...

Fearfully and wonderfully made!

It doesn't get any better than that.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, 2 days, that's not long........... :}

jenr said...

Laura, I finally am able to read your blog..what a great one at that! I feel the exact way about you all..our BCB group is the greatest group of women I have come to know, you have all been there for me, more times than I can rememeber..I agree, oh if we lived closer..it sure would be great though :0) thanks for the reading..

kadler said...

Congrats! And I have to say your daily routine sounds quite interesting :)