Thursday, November 12, 2009

Look what we made!

Craft projects are fun at our house! There isn't a day that goes by that something is colored. Beth would make one everyday if she could. Jacob likes them as the mood strikes. I want to do more than my chore list allows.
Jacob learned about the letter I, so we made an instrument.
Beth and I made mummy treat holders for Halloween.
At church, Jacob learned about God giving us joy. They made these flowers. When the teacher asked what made Jacob happy, he said "flowers" (I think because he was making flowers) and "Beth". How precious is that!
Beth had Bible character dress up night at Awanas. Beth wanted to be Mary, Jesus' mother. I figured I could whip up something easy enough. Of course, I waited until the last minute, but it all worked out fine. Promise you won't look too closely! After I made it, she asked why it wasn't fancy. Ah, a teachable moment, in many ways.

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